Glimpses of Glory Through Time, Book Two

Glimpses of Glory Through Time, Book Two

Over the years, God has asked Carla and me to change our focus from “Church” to “Kingdom.” Finally He took us out of Church ministry entirely, so I could tell the narrative of His Kingdom, which has now become a two-volume story, Glory Through Time. This year, I am working on Volume Two, which will complete the story of the advance of the Kingdom of God over the last 2000 years. The story begins with the Gospel of the Kingdom breaking out of Jerusalem and traveling west, and it ends with the Back to Jerusalem movement of today, entering Jerusalem from the east, having circled the globe to the west.

Volume One took the story to the transformation of the British Isles. Volume Two concentrates on the outpourings of God’s power in the Great Awakenings and Revivals of the last 600 years. King Jesus told a parable, recorded in Matthew 25, describing how the Church would grow drowsy and fall asleep; but then, they would wake up and realize that Jesus is coming back to fulfill His kingdom. In the midst of this awakening, the key issue would be “oil” which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. What God has done to wake up His Church to the power of the Holy Spirit–that’s what Volume Two is about. The Great Awakenings.

Today’s video teaching introduces the Big Picture, the whole plot that required God to do some shock treatment to wake His people up out of deep slumber. Future teachings will hone in on specific seasons of Holy Spirit outpourings, of “times of refreshing from the Presence of the Lord,” as described in Acts 3:19-21. I believe it will be helpful for people to see just where we are in the total picture of Kingdom advance throughout history.
