Jesus The Emancipator II

Jesus The Emancipator II

My mentor, back in 1983, explained how the Second Great Awakening produced the emancipation of slaves during the nineteenth century. Yet very few writers today seem aware of that, so I have devoted a good deal of Glory Through Time detailing how this happened. My goal is to show Jesus Himself at the center of our history. The emancipation of slaves is a prime illustration of the transformational power of the Holy Spirit, working in THIS world. This video is the second in a series about how Jesus inspired the abolition movement, followed by the emancipation of slaves worldwide. Jesus sets people free.

We seem to have the idea today that Jesus is mainly good for getting people into heaven after you die. But, strictly speaking, that is not the Gospel of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the transformation of the earth INTO a heavenly place. That is what Jesus specifically asked us to pray for, and that is why Jesus is returning at the end of the age–“to restore all things” (Acts 3:19-21)–meaning, redeeming all Creation to become as God originally intended before Adam messed it up in league with Satan. At a certain point in the progress of Kingdom history, Jesus decided to challenge the worldwide slave industry. It didn’t fit His plans for THIS world.

If we are believers, it is important that we get our history right.
