Studying the Deeds of God

Studying the Deeds of God

Once again, I am inviting you not only to read my books, the Glory Through Time books; but I am inviting you to sign up for my class this fall, which begins next week on Monday the 11th, and ends the first week of December. My hope is that you will be intrigued about the whole idea that we can study the mighty deeds of God, who has revealed His transformational power throughout the centuries. There have been surprisingly few people who have written about this.

In this video, I share my motivation in devoting so much of my life to studying the mighty deeds of a sovereign God.

In this video, I share my motivation in devoting so much of my life to studying the mighty deeds of a sovereign God. If you are interested in signing up for my class, here is the information you will need:

Please send your emails [email protected] if you have any further questions.

This will be a deep dive into how the Holy Spirit has moved throughout the ages to transform nations. I believe God has prepared me to help train a future generation to lead a great Revival tide by clueing people in to the vast history of God’s interventions into our world.

Dougl McMurry