Jesus the Emancipator V

Jesus the Emancipator V

Jesus the Emancipator V

This video, the fifth in a series, uncovers the part King Jesus has played in eradicating the institution of slavery in world history.
Is it a mere coincidence that the two countries that fully and permanently abolished slavery were the same two countries that were enjoying a Revival tide leading to a “Second Great Awakening”? It was my mentor, Dick Simmons, who first pointed this out to me years ago, and in Glory Through Time, Volume Two (pp. 300-400), it became a major theme in my writing: how Revival has led to the transformation of nations because Jesus destroys the works of the devil. I just enjoy showing what Jesus does as King of kings.

On another subject, have I mentioned George Otis yet?–the man who for the last 25 years has been videotaping stories from around the world, of what happens “when God comes to town?” My path crossed with George’s at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation last year, where George has been filming a wonderful move of God to transform the infamous alcohol town of Whiteclay, Nebraska. Some of us believe this is just the beginning of a great move of the Holy Spirit among the First Nations.
Now George will be here in our area in Virginia on May 13, 14 and 15, to show us a sneak peek of his 90-minute film, “The Gates of Whiteclay.” If you are anywhere in Central Virginia, please consider attending, though I don’t quite have the details worked out yet. But you can text me at 804-347-3303 for information a week or two in advance. He will be showing his film at the Chickahominy Tribal Center in Charles City on Monday, in Williamsburg on Tuesday, and in Richmond at Maps Global, on Wednesday.
