Revival Tides

Revival Tides


When you take the writings of the Revival historians and put them all together, you find that Revival movements have been a lot more frequent than most people realize. In reality, Revival movements have formed a kind of tidal pattern down through the centuries. The tide comes in; the tide goes out; then the tide comes in again, and so on. Every 40 or 50 years or so, God ordains a new Revival tide. He does this because He is merciful. He loves us.

In this video, I tell the story of the very first two Revival tides in history, which happened in Scotland. The tide came in, a completely new pattern, surprising everyone. Then the tide went out.Then 40 years later, the tide came back in, surprising everyone again. And so the pattern was begun, which grew and spread and crossed the ocean to America. As we look at this Revival pattern over the years, perhaps we could learn some lessons to prepare us for the next Revival tide. Many believe it is already upon us.