The Power of Forgetfulness

The Power of Forgetfulness

The Power of Forgetfulness – Awakening #3

In this teaching, I tell the story of why I believe God asked me to be a storyteller for Him. It has to be distressing to Him that we humans, including Christians, have a propensity to forget His mighty deeds of the past, even though we have lavished every detail in our Church histories, the things that we humans argued about, as we represented God on this earth. Then we have the gall to maintain that God never did anything of importance in the world after the Book of Acts was completed. In this video, I explain what our problem is.

I mention at the end of this video, too, the good news that God has opened a door for publication for this entire Glory through Time narrative. It will be published by Trilogy Books, a subsidiary of TBN, that was recommended by our good friends, Peter and Linda Trost. This open door for publication confirms the many prophetic words I have received about my calling after retiring from pastoral work in 2004. So I am excited to announce that Volume One of Glory through Time will be available toward the and of summer.