The Jewishness of Jesus

The Jewishness of Jesus

The Jewishness of Jesus –

At the same time that Rome turned Christianity into the official religion of Rome, the popes of that time created a new idea about how Jews and Gentiles relate to each other. Replacement theology came into existence.  No longer are Gentiles grafted into Israel.  Gentiles are replacing Israel as the people of God.  Messianic Jewish congregations disappeared. Eventually, all forms of Jewishness were treated as a punishable offense.  All the eschatologies from the fourth century on were created out of a background of replacement theology.  As God brings Jew and Gentile together in our day, and calls into being Messianic Jewish congregations all over the world, we Gentiles must now listen to the wisdom of our Messianic brothers and sisters in Christ—who are re-introducing the true hope of the second coming of the King.  It is Messianic Jews who are drawing us back to a biblical idea of the second coming of Christ, not to whisk us away to heaven by means of a secret rapture, but to restore earth to a heavenly condition.  “Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven.”
